Understanding the MSO-PC model is essential for any medical practice, whether independent or considering private equity partnership. At LBMC W平方, we aim to demystify this complex healthcare model for you.


  • 定义MSO和PC: 了解管理服务组织(MSO)和专业公司(PC)的角色.
  • 分离的重要性: Learn why separating clinical and non-clinical ownership matters.
  • 最佳实践: 了解MSO-PC成功合作的财务和运营最佳实践.

什么是MSO vs. 医疗保健领域的个人电脑?

在医疗保健领域, 管理型服务组织 (MSO)是一个独立的法律实体,为专业公司(PC)管理非临床功能。, 比如计费, IT, 和采购.

A Professional Corporation (PC) is a legal entity owned by doctors. 它提供病人护理,与保险公司合作,并以自己的名义支付账单.

The MSO and PC enter into a Management Services Agreement (MSA), MSO在哪里提供服务以换取诊所的股权或所有权. 这 友好的个人电脑 model ensures that clinical and business operations are kept separate, complying with corporate practice of medicine laws.

这些法律因州而异,但通常确保只有持牌医疗专业人员才能控制临床决定. 通过使用 美索结构在美国,医生可以专注于病人护理,而MSO则处理行政工作. 这种模式允许有效的管理和高质量的护理,同时保持合规性.

Legal Structure and Ownership in the MSO-PC Model

PC和MSO实体的分离为临床和非临床操作建立了明确的所有权和责任. At the core of this relationship is the physician-owned PC.

作为临床实践实体,PC由持有执照的医生拥有和控制. These doctors maintain ownership of core medical assets like the clinic building, 医疗设备, 还有临床合同. 他们还负责直接的病人护理,治疗决定,和提供者的雇用和 的认证.

然而,管理一个诊所的业务操作占用了病人护理的时间. 这 is where bringing in an MSO partner can provide value. When an outside group wishes to purchase a practice, they acquire the non-clinical assets and form an MSO. 这 may include the purchase of assets such as medical records, 知识产权, 劳动力的基础设施, 以及管理系统.

By creating the MSO as a separate legal entity with new ownership, 投资或管理公司可以在遵守医药法律的情况下处理非临床功能. 然后,MSO通过正式的管理服务协议向医生拥有的PC提供定义好的管理服务. 这种合同关系是MSO-PC合作伙伴关系的支柱,确保了临床与商业责任的明确划分.

How The Management Services Agreement (MSA) Works


MSA是MSO和PC之间的正式合同,定义了要提供的特定服务, 性能指标, 财务安排, 以及合作的条款. It outlines the division of responsibilities, 包括MSO将管理哪些职能,以及哪些临床领域仍由PC控制. 服务水平协议亦订明服务水平协议,以确保服务的一致性.

Given the complex regulatory environment in healthcare, it’s crucial to have experienced legal counsel when drafting an MSA. 精通医疗交易法的律师可以在保险等领域提供建议, 税, 以及反垄断的影响. 需要专家指导,以确保完全遵守所有州和联邦法规.

Additional key terms to address include hiring and termination rights, financial obligations of both parties, ownership of new 知识产权, 以及争议解决程序. MSA也可以授权MSO重新谈判现有的实践合同,并代表PC签订新的协议.

Financial Management Best Practices

At the heart of any successful partnership is transparency and accountability. 对于MSO-PC关系, this starts with establishing solid financial management practices from day one.

正确的会计要求你清楚地记录实体和地点层面的收入和支出. Set up your financial systems to capture 收入和费用 每个PC和MSO实体,以及每个练习地点,如果你有多个地点.

这 level of detail is important for several reasons. For starters, it provides visibility into the performance of each business unit. It also streamlines regulatory 合规 and 税 reporting, which often requires that you separate this information by legal entity.

最好的做法是使用权责发生制会计来维持财务记录,即在赚取时记录收入,在发生时记录费用, rather than when payment is received or made. 权责发生制会计是衡量诊所财务绩效和资产价值的最准确方法.

Offloading Back-office Tasks to the MSO

尽管出于监管原因,临床和业务职能的分离很重要, MSO模型的最大优点之一是它提供的操作效率. 通过卸下非直接的病人护理责任,医生可以更专注于医疗护理.

分配给MSO的共同职责包括非临床人员配置和人力资源, 开票和收款, IT基础设施, 市场营销, 合规, 设施管理, 以及供应链运作. For the average primary care practice, these administrative duties can easily consume 10-20 hours per week. Partnering with an MSO relieves physicians of these behind-the-scenes tasks.

也许最重要的是, mso通常雇用在这些功能领域具有深厚专业知识的经验丰富的团队. 这意味着医生和诊所经理获得的人才和资源远远超出任何一家诊所独立负担得起的水平.

Successfully Transitioning to the MSO-PC Model

If you are a standalone practice considering an MSO partnership, there are several key factors to evaluate upfront. Full due diligence requires vetting the potential partner’s experience, 金融稳定, 文化契合度. 在各种交易场景下建立财务预测模型也很重要.

你还需要了解他们的所有权和参与在交易后会发生怎样的变化. Equally important is the quality of your practice’s financial records. 这是因为你未来的MSO合作伙伴需要清晰的财务报表, 拥有资产的准确记录, and organized documentation of contracts, 类股, 以及其他操作细节.

将这些财务数据采用权责发生制,按法人实体和所在地分离数据,既体现了财务纪律,也使估值更加直接. 这也表明,该业务的运营已经“为投资做好了准备”,任何问题都可以在交易结束前很容易地发现和解决.

Navigate the MSO-PC Structure with W Squared

作为一名医学专业人士, 你不可能既能提供高质量的病人护理,又能在你的诊所引导外部投资交易. 在LBMC W square, 明升体育app下载团队拥有经验丰富的顾问,他们随时准备帮助您了解如何准备外部投资, 遵循财务最佳实践, 并审查你的法律结构和所有权,以确保你从潜在的MSO-PC关系中获得最大收益.

Need help navigating the MSO-PC model for your clinic? 预约电话明升体育app下载团队一起开始.

提供的内容 劳伦·法利, Director of Growth, LBMC W平方. 联系劳伦: 劳伦.farley@flcoastline.com or 615-762-3193.